Participation in Holy Communion at St. John's is offered to baptized Christians who understand and believe a few Biblical truths listed below.
Adults that may be unable or do not yet fully understand these Biblical truths , or children who have not yet received instruction regarding Holy Communion are still encouraged to come forward and receive a blessing.

Biblical truths:
1. I believe that I am a sinner who has received Jesus Christ in faith and trust in Him alone for forgiveness and eternal life.
2. I believe the Risen Christ is really present in this meal and that with the bread and wine, He gives me His true body and blood.
3. I resolve, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to sincerely turn from sin and live a God-pleasing life in His service and in fellowship with His people.

We offer both individual and common cups. Simply decline the individual cups as they are offered if your desire is to receive the common cup. White non-alcoholic wine is available in the center of the individual cup tray and gluten free wafers are available upon request.